Artwork and story by Suvarna Redelinghuys

Back on the artists path!
Dear Readers and generous voters, here is a little bit about myself:
My name is Suvarna, originally from South Africa, now living in New Zealand, Invercargill, where I am currently studying art. I gave up art as a young girl, because of the influence of my parents and other events as a teenager. It has taken me 22 years to finally find my way back onto the artists’ path. I find myself awakening in so many wonderful creative ways and it truly is a blissful, though challenging experience and always exciting!
What place does art take in my life?
Currently is it entering into my life and taking up residence in my heart and wants to extend and grow out into my life and the world I live in. Art is becoming the number one subject in my life, it is everywhere.
What challenges do I have in art?
My major challenges are self doubt and lack of skill, which is why I would like to learn how to draw properly, as I feel that drawing is the basis of art.
What do you want to learn in art?
Most importantly I would like to learn to draw as expertly as possible. From there I would like to increase my illustration, oil painting and sculpture skills so that I can execute the different creative ideas that are being born from within.
What do I think about Drawing Academy?
I’ve looked through the Drawing Academy website and watched some of the video clips and I think that Drawing Academy is a grand place to learn how to draw. Something that I have been looking for for a long time. I think the Drawing Academy have qualified tutors that will be able to impart the best knowledge and skills for any drawing student, provided that the student is diligent and applies what he and she has learned.
Why do I want to win the Drawing Academy course?
I would like to win the Drawing Academy course because I am really hungry to learn proper drawing techniques. I would like my drawing to be like second nature. A skill that I will use for the rest of my life. Currently I am finishing my first year of the Bachelors of Applied Media Arts and during my 3 month break I would like to focus mainly on improving my drawing skills so that in my second and third year I will be able to really apply what I’ve learned with the different projects that we will do. With better skills, I will be able to really execute my creative ideas better and hopefully with my art, I will be able to enrich myself through the art making process and my hope is to enrich the lives of others with my art.
Why people should vote for me?
I would like people to vote for me as currently I am not able to afford to pay for this course and it would be a great gift to me as this course will provide me with the fundamental skills that I feel I need to become a proficient artist. Eventually I would like to teach others as well, especially children and would love to work in communities to enrich peoples lives with art. I’m not sure how I would be able to repay the kindness of the voters, but my promise is that I will work hard and be dedicated to this course and share my love and knowledge of art with others young and old for the rest of my life.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.
I hope to receive you kind votes.
Kindest regards to you,
Yours in the world of art,
Goodluck survana! So proud of you
You have the talent and commitment Suvarna.
Well done Suvarna,what a master piece you created !