Architectural drawing by Edward Pan

Artwork critique
It has been a long time since the last time I submitted my work for critique, but it does not mean I have stopped drawing. In fact, I have been learning classical architecture for some time, and I would like to share with you one of my drawings.
Best regards,
Many thanks for your drawing, I like it a lot. You did a great job on rendering solid proportions of a building and achieving good balance in your drawing. I also like how you tell the story in your artwork.
There are a couple of things you may consider next time, when you draw architectural compositions:
1. Linear perspective
The figure in front of the building is seen from the ground level, which suggests that the horizon line is at this figure’s head level (Horizon 1 – marked in red).
The building on the right-hand-side has perspective lines converging on another level (Horizon 2 – marked in green).
Pavement tiles suggest yet another level (Horizon 3 – marked in orange).
An artist can deliberately draw a complex composition with multiple horizons to give a more interesting point of view. However, in most cases, using one horizon level makes an artwork look more natural.
2. Drawing trees
There are certain principles you may apply when drawing trees, I described them in this article: //
Once again, thank you for your wonderful drawing.
Best regards,
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