A study on the bust of Voukefalas

Story and drawing from Valentini Stampouli
I’m a 21 years old student, studying audiovisual arts. I started took interest in art when i was very young, at the age of six – I had joined an art workshop and attended it until i left for university.
Art takes an very important place, it always had since i was young. I believe it’ s one of the best ways to express yourself, release tension and connect with other people.
One of the most challenging things in art is getting started on a piece and finishing it, after that it varies on the kind of piece; for me, who usually focuses on paintings with color, trying to make it look less realistic is one of the goals that I tend to miss. Using colors in a more organized way, and putting more energy in the character (usually drawing people).
I think Drawing Academy has a lot of helpful information.
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