2 Point Perspective – Drawing Critique

From Jeremy H., Drawing Academy student
I did this drawing from imagination for the lesson 12 video. It was supposed to be a simple sketch, which I then rendered for practice as you recommended to do sometimes in one of the lessons.
I thought it to be okay at first, but my wife insists that something is off and so now I am not sure. I am still a beginner, and, like most beginners, my perspective and structure need the most work. I would value and appreciate any feedback on what I might have done to make this drawing better.
P.S. It was all done in 2H pencil. I am working on acquiring my HB and 2B very soon.
With sincere thanks,
Dear Jeremy,
Thank you very much for your artwork.
I really like how thorough your drawing is and the level of detail you put into this sketch.
In regard to the linear perspective, it is a very good example of two-point perspective, with the wall depicted above and below the horizon level, so a viewer sees lower rows of bricks from above and upper rows from below. It is a very good exercise.
I also like very much how you did the bricks in perspective – the further away the bricks are, the smaller they become.
At the same time, you may want to make sure that the horizontal perspective lines of one wall meet in a single vanishing point. The same rule applies to the other wall as well.
Two vanishing points will be located on the same horizon level. In your drawing this is not the case, unless the photo of your drawing is rotated.
In two-point perspective, all vertical lines should be perpendicular to the horizon. It looks like vertical lines on your drawing diverge as they move upward.
There is one more kind of perspective you might consider – aerial perspective. According to the rules of atmospheric perspective, objects located further from a viewer appear with less contrast and detail than objects that are closer. You may practice this principle by drawing bricks on the background with less pencil pressure than on the foreground. You may also draw further away bricks with less detail.
I hope this critique gives you enough suggestions on how to improve your drawing in two-point perspective.
Kind regards,
Vladimir London
Drawing Academy tutor
I am so impressed with this critique and have learned SO much by it! I only noticed that the left side was a little off but now that I see the lines as noted I understand much more about it! Also I LOVE what you said about the atmospheric perspective! I have often yearned about this understanding and appreciated other artist’s work but didn’t grasp why it looked so different! I am VERY happy to have visited today!
Jeremy, you are well on your way to being a great artist! Keep up the good work!