Walking in the rain

Painting by Litsa Raftopoulou
All seasons are very beautiful and when I walk in the rain it is so romantic! I have called my new artwork “Walking in the rain”.
It is something completely different, spontaneous with free strokes and without thinking about the result.
I like classical painting, it provides so much for expressing perfection! I felt a freedom of motion and spirit. What expresses more perfectly … absolutely is the freedom of motion and spirit! When I am in front of the canvas I’m lost … mind, spirit and motion.
I started to draw two years ago.
Thanks a lot my tutors for all these knowledge!!!!
Categorized: Students Gallery
I enjoy this painting. It reminds me of Claude Monet’s paintings, where one paints with light. Following that tradition artists Charles Hawthorn, Henri Hensche and others carried on the tradition of French Impressionist painting. Out of those schools came Norman Rockwell, etc.
I like the shadows of the couple on the wet pavement. It’s interesting how you have hinted the faces of the man and the woman looking left by mirroring them on each side of the subjects in the wet pavement as well.
It appears that you have tried to “squeeze” space between the man and the woman with horizontal strokes. Often when we try to “fit” subjects in a painting, distortion results.
I enjoy the painting. Thanks for the viewing. Be brave and show us more :)
Dale B.