Training Artistic Memory

Questions from Gina Rodas
How can I train my artistic memory to create visual pieces on my own?
Could you suggest special exercises to help me draw better?
Can you give me any advice on how to paint using the alla prima technique?
Dear Gina,
The best way to practice drawing from memory and using your imagination is to do multiple sketches on a daily basis. Such sketches can be done very quickly in just few strokes, or you could devote some time to defining details and re-working the compositions.
Have a sketchpad with you wherever you go. When you have few minutes, make a sketch or two. Draw from life. Depict anything you like or that you think you could use in future pieces. Draw the same or similar subject on another page. This process will train your visual memory and drawing skills.
Learn from the Great Artists. Many of the fine artists of the past made thousands of sketches in a lifetime. Leonardo da Vinci left more than 2,500 drawings and sketches; and who knows how many of his sketchbooks didn’t survive?
You can also find inspiration by making copies of drawings and paintings by the Old Masters. I have presented a couple of my sketchbooks in this video »
In regard to the alla prima oil painting technique, you may refer to the “How to Paint in Alla Prima” video presentation created by Natalie Richy in the Web Art Academy course »
Kind regards,
Vladimir London
Drawing Academy Founder and Tutor
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