The Drawing Academy can help me become a Master Artist

Artwork by Ronnie Rayner Larter
I have always been interested in art since the late 1960’s and have studied as a self-taught artist. However, when I was 37 years old I embarked on a 2-year graphic design and illustration course at art college. I have also taken fine art studies part-time but found them disappointing as they never taught students ‘how to draw’, which was a huge drawback. Eventually, I taught myself by studying the techniques of the old masters.
I consider myself to be a reasonably good artist, but feel certain the Drawing Academy could help me progress to the level of a master artist.
Categorized: Art Competition Archive
Wonderful drawing, Ron. I knew you were into art but had no idea how good you are. Fantastic.
Warm regards,
Chris Shearer
Ron Larter is in my layman’s terms an excellent artist but craves to perfect his artistic skills to a higher level. His passion deserves to be acknowledged and as a long time admirer I hope that this will be possible. Talent and hard work deserve to be rewarded.
Ron Larter has immense natural ability as an artist. I have been fortunate to view a number of his drawings and paintings. They are wonderful!!! He has a lifetime ambition to be recognised as an artist in his own right. It would be just reward for him to study under ‘The Masters’ to add to his own ability and talent.
I have visited Ron home on many occasions and seen many wonderful drawings and paintings,he has a special talent which would be enhanced by a course with
Drawing Academy.
Ron has a unique and inspiring gift for creating beautiful images through his love of Art! Ron is not content to keep this talent to himself but with true reciprocity, he also teaches others. I am one of his students and he his teaching has blessed me tremendously. The drawing academy will be a opportunity to help him shine even brighter!