The beauty of learning

The beauty of learning

Artwork by Greysis

Artwork by Greysis

Hello to all who like me, are interested in art.

I decided to participate in this competition, because like most artists i became interested in art from an early age, as I grew older I realized I had very easily for drawing, and it was not until I turned 19 I realized that this was what I wanted to do, even if I had to live a modest life.

Unfortunately I live in Venezuela, and if you do a little searching on the internet you will realize that we are living very difficult time where even get basic things like food is quite difficult. By the excessive increase in prices I had to stop my studies. I was studying graphic design and now, I’m doing absolutely nothing, and I’m using my free time to improve my skills because I hope to continue my studies in a future. If I had the facility to pay the drawing course I would, but I really can not.

If you want to help me, please share my story on facebook, give me +1 or just leave a comment down. I will appreciate it.

I searched many resources on the internet to improve my drawing skills and found Drawing Academy. I saw some videos on Youtube and i was very interested in taking the course. I think this is one of the best ways to learn online.

It would help greatly if i win this course because I had to stop my studies for lack of money and political problems in my country. I need to get me using my free time more wisely, and take this course would help me a lot. I would like to do drawing or illustration professionally.

Categorized: Art Competition Archive

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. ALl SALVADOR says:

    Great Work Greysis! keep doing what you like, follow your dreams, you artwork is very nice you can count on me :)

  2. Snorre says:

    I am certain you will aspire to something great in this Grey. It may take time but i believe in your talent and dedication

  3. JuanJo says:

    Te encuentro tan capáz de combinar sutil y profundamente poesía e imagen… cuando lo que logra el arte es expresar y canalizar nuestras más hondas emociones, poniendo de manifiesto algo a veces tan oculto como lo que sentimos. Palabras y figuras en sintonía compositiva, develando la gran magnitud y trascendencia con la que perduran nuestras más profundas pasiones y pensamientos.

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