Drawing Academy Survey
We are very grateful to all who submitted their feedback in the Drawing Academy Survey.
Your comments about the drawing course are very helpful.
In return, we awarded the full Drawing Academy membership to one of the survey’s participant.
And the winner is…
Peter Richard Giles
Here’s what Peter says:

I feel like most of my painting skills are o.k. but the drawing is what brings me back down. I’ve learnt the painting first and left the drawing for later.
I’d like to know all the ways artists create shades especially when using silver point.
I have watched the silver point video, but now I have more questions. This sort of knowledge seems to be very rare. I want to learn how can I stronger line work, especially with figure and portraits. I just have trouble developing this.
I’m supporting four people at the moment on my wage- my mother-in law, wife and 2 kids. They are all very supportive of my art work. I spend four days a week in my studio (I have over 30 completed works around the house) and I work the other three to pay the bills.
If chosen I won’t let the school down. I’ve already started writing an article in the hope I can obtain a less expensive entry.
Also I’ve commenced work with silver point. Once I saw the video I was hooked – but there is very little on the internet about the method.

Once again thank you for the opportunity,
Kind Regards
Peter Gilles
Thank you very much for participating in the Drawing Academy Survey.
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Please join us to congratulate the winner!
Kind regards,
Natalie Richy and Vladimir London
Drawing Academy tutors
Enroll in the Drawing Academy Course:
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- Receive 15 new videos monthly (45 in total)
- Incredible discount – $4,164
- Bonuses - Fine Art eBooks and Videos
- Drawing Academy Diploma of Excellence after course completion in 3 months
- Personal coaching by Drawing Academy Tutors
- Lifetime membership. Free after the 3rd month
Total cost: $291 USD (3 x $97)

Get all video lessons for a one-time payment
- Immediate access to all 45 video lessons
- Incredible discount – $4,198
- Bonuses - Fine Art eBooks and Videos
- Drawing Academy Diploma of Excellence after course completion in 3 months
- Personal coaching by Drawing Academy Tutors
- Lifetime membership. No more payments
Total cost - Only $257 USD

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