Story and artwork by Robert Virden

Always Yours
I’m a retired Navy Vietnam veteran and have been involved in art since 1972, but was never consistent or confident in my art work. I’d paint or draw for maybe a year or two then quit. I am mostly self taught. I read art books and workbooks, mostly Foster Art Books. If it didn’t look like the picture that I was copying I would get extremely frustrated.
I would muddle on and improve slightly, according to me, then after a while I would quit. Attended community art classes off and on when I lived in Portland, OR. I always return to art no matter what until my confidence level drops or I get over critical about my work then I quit again.
I started watching Bob Ross on PBS and would paint along with him but felt I was never good enough. I want to develop into a professional artist that has confidence in the basics of drawing and my work and can be less critical of my work.
I’ve watch the videos by the Drawing Academy on YouTube and felt that I could really learn and progress to be a fine artist.
From comments by previous students it shows that The Drawing Academy the foundation of basics as well as studies in gesture, anatomy, figure drawing, etc. and has turned out artists that love their craft and their artwork reflects it. Students enjoy the class work and the interaction with the instructors.
I want to win a Drawing Academy course to have a solid foundation in the basics and boost my confidence in landscape and portraiture work and learn new things that will help me put my artwork in front of the public.
When I am drawing or painting I put my whole heart and soul into my work. I just need help to make my work better and I think that the Drawing Academy will do that.
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