Still Alive

Artwork by Vikas Chandak
Here the artist says that life is an art and that’s what my life is for and he believes the artist is the second god who can create or modify this environment. Art is just not about Drawing or clicking, any unique creativity or any kind of creative work which could be done in any field (music, business, films etc.) is an art. Something beyond the imagination something which has never seen and things which makes us still and speech less is an art.
Whenever I feel like creating something and the way could be anything may be singing, writing, drawing or capturing in camera. The mean of art could be anything for me but at last it should satisfy me as an artist. That is why I believe that paintings are reflection of my life or dreams.
A teacher believe “An artist need to travel a lot an artist need to observe an artist need to be good in creating things accurate.” but I believe an artist need to be unique and creative that’s all is needed and then after you will be able to create an art piece. Let me tell about me till the age of 15 I was not found of drawing, painting or filming but then after it was a film (RA-ONE) which inspired me and the day after watching that film I was all in the field of animations and that took me from Ajmer to Jodhpur then to Indore and after travelling to Indore I got many opportunities such as writing a novel to creating a live action film under a Bollywood banner. Then after I dedicated my life for arts.
And the only reason to win is i have come through the field of sport and MMA just thinking that i can do it and i am an artist to show society what i think …. i feel that this achievement can change my life because art is my life…. and that is why i am alive.
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