Self-portraits by Lucian, Drawing Academy student

Two facial expressions
I tried to make a study of different expressions of my face, using different grade pencils.
That’s supposed to be me … when I am happy :)
Best Regards,
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Categorized: Students Gallery
I really like both drawings from Lucian very much.
Lucian has met the expressions in his face very well in both images.
But since I met Lucian and his Family, I can say, that he does not look so grim because he is great human.
Keep it up Lucian!
Kind regards,
Hello Johann,
Thank you for watching and for your comment.
Rather big (human) than great but I am trying to loose some pounds :). My wife just get me a new bicycle :).
I am just waiting to see some of your next drawings or paintings . Since I saw them in the real size I am even more impressed than before ! What a great work !!!
I hope to see more of them in the future.
I am very impressed with both of them.