Portraiture is my favourite concept

Portraiture is my favourite concept

Artwork and story from Aisha

My name is Aisha, from London. I am a mother to a beautiful little girl. Art has always had a place in my heart since I was I was a child. Art is my sense of peace and calm. It helps me to relax when the world seems chaotic.

My challenges would be money. Often the courses can be quite high for me being a single mother with a child I just cannot afford it.

Portraiture is my favourite concept in art I would like to learn to render the face and features with speed and accuracy. It would be great to build on the skills I have and grow to become a better artist.

The Drawing Academy looks exciting and very professional. The study is very academically based in teaching style. I like the step by step approach and all the detailed information given.

It would be amazing to win the competition to help encourage and support my daughter who has special needs. I would like to make art daily. Then turn it into a business and save for her future.

My partner passed away shortly after she was born 4 years ago. I was in terrible grief. Now is the time where I am ready and confident to pursue my art dreams again. I have the time now she is at school.

I would like people to vote for me because I would really gain from this opportunity. Not just for myself but for my daughter. It will help me to teach her art one day. It would help me create stability in my life that for me would be life changing.

Many Thanks,


Categorized: Art Competition Archive

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. sm269 says:

    I’ve always liked all forms of art wether it’s painting , sculpture poetry .I liked picasso and all the other surealistic artisty .To me this drawing has soul it gives me a good idea of what sort of person the girl is ,she has heart soul compassion,and more qualitys that tell me she put her heart and soul into work .

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