Portraits by Judy Hirsch

Portraits “Before and After” by Judy Hirsch, Drawing Academy student
Below is my last self-portrait (bottom-left) in front of a mirror done back at home in Reno, NV. For a comparison (top-left) is the “before” Drawing Academy self-portrait done in 2013.
Now I have access to life models in NYC, so I’m also attaching one of my latest portraits from life models (bottom-right). Both drawings are in charcoal on 18″ x 24″ about one-hour poses.
Photography is strictly forbidden at life-model classrooms at the Art Students League. (Squatting at the extended family apartment and living from a suitcase seems like a fair price for a taste of art in the Big Apple:)
One-hour poses seem too short if I use graphite pencil and classic crosshatching. I do use it for small still lives.
Drawing portraits had been with me for as long as I can remember. Forty years later, I finally have an opportunity to study the proper portrait drawing.
I hope to get into Anatomy Master Class after completing the third month of the Drawing Academy.
I’m going slowly in order to internalize the overwhelming amount of information provided in that course. I finally can lay out the head proportions without referring to notes. Also facial expressions are becoming easier. The neck is my next challenge.
Your positive review of my latest portraits encourages me to continue with my study and practice.
I will try to use graphite pencil even for shorter poses as you suggest, to build the portrait with more precision.
Thanks a lot for your teaching,
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i love to see progress like this , im hoping that will be a chance even for me … :)