Portrait Painting Critique

Portrait Painting Critique

At Drawing Academy, we regularly receive artworks for critique from our students. This time, Olivia sent us her self-portrait. Here’s what Olivia said:

This is a self portrait I painted for a school assignment last year, I have since added onto it. I was wondering if I could get some feedback that would enhance my painting. I’m uncertain about the composition I chose with the size of canvas we were given, but I’m finding it’s a little late to change it now… but maybe there’s something I can do with the background to balance it out? Or perhaps I’m focusing too much on it? I’m open to any and all feedback!

Feedback from Vladimir London, Drawing Academy tutor

Dear Olivia,

Thank you very much for your wonderful painting. I like your portrait very much; it is complete and well-balanced work. It is your creative project and only you, as an artist can decide what is right for this artwork; so my feedback is only an opinion. I think that the background is very good for the purpose of this piece. It does not distract a viewer from its focal part – the figure. You do not have to add anything else unless you really want to, for example, a flying bird in the sky, which might bring even more dynamism to this scenery. But, of course, it is completely optional.

Next time you plan a composition, you may want to check whether its key-points follow the Golden Ratio. For example, vertically, the red lines coincide with the neck, ear and the symmetry line of the face; this is very good. What looks natural and pleasing usually follows the Golden Proportion rules.

Regarding the portrait, it is natural and realistic, and I’m sure it has likeness as well. At the same time, there are slight distortions and photo perspective present here, which does not spoil the appearance of this artwork.

In the Drawing Academy course, you will find video lessons on how to draw portraits using anatomy for artists, construction and proportions. Such videos will greatly help to depict people with even more confidence.

Regarding colors and tonal values, this artwork is fresh, vibrant and balanced. You use cold and warm, light and dark and complementary contrasts very well. If you want to learn more about color theory, there is one course that explains it very well – The Watercolor Academy.

There is only one thing that you may decide to amend in this work – add thin highlights at the outline of the forehead and cheek because light comes from behind and such highlights would bring more attention to the face.

Another thing, which is optional, is adding a slight casted shadow below the upper lip. This would make the mouth even more natural.

Once again, thank you very much for sharing your art! I wish you all the creative success you deserve! Continue drawing and painting, you have good art skills, which will improve with practice.

Best regards,
Vladimir London
Drawing Academy tutor

To learn human anatomy fast, visit the Anatomy Master Class »

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Categorized: Critique My Artworks , Drawing Academy News , Students Gallery

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