Points in the art

Points in the art

Artwork by Clifford Honoridez

Artwork by Clifford Honoridez

I’m a newbie artist. I started drawing less than 2 years ago. Now, I’m studying fine arts in college.

Fine artist is the only profession that I can think of. My school isn’t enough to make me a great artist. Watching the videos after my class will help me maximize my time to practice my skills.

Drawing Academy is great online learning center for artist; instructors are hands-on to the students.

I think it will make me one of the best of our class from one of the worst.

Please vote for me because I need to learn more in arts from these great instructors.

Categorized: Art Competition Archive

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. allen says:

    Um … i just comment abt ur art work. Ur art basically drawing is okay but i begrudge it doesnt have impact that dark and light.

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