
Artwork by María Beatriz Laffaille
Perhaps it’s not so interesting but I’ll tell you.
I’m 67 years old and when I was a child of 10, my parents discovered I like drawing and sent me to a teacher to learn how to draw and paint.
Then when I entered the secondary school, my activities were many or more than many, and I was obliged to stop learning.
Life went on, after the secondary school, I attended the University. Then I worked at different schools. I got married, had my own family, and never again had the time to go on with my drawing and painting classes.
Now I’m retired from my teaching activities, and motivated by my family I re-started with my drawings.
My only child encouraged me to draw with my computer.
It was very difficult at the beginning. I have learnt very little when I was a child. I tried to remember and devoted my free time to this beloved enterprise. And this is what I’ve achieved up to now.
Although technology offers me a lot of resources to draw, paint and modify my works, I only use the most basic tools, drawing programs offer me.
I don’t copy, I observe and imagine and I try to use my mouse as the best on my pencils and brushes.
I wish you like it and vote for me. Your approval will let me have the possibility to learn but also the happiness of knowing I’m on the right way.
This is an invaluable method to know about Art, to know famous artists and to learn skills and get new ideas for my paintings and drawings.
Now that I’m retired it would be the best way to learn what I always wished to know, comfortable in my house.
I’ve told my truth and showed one of my simple works. It’s really true I would appreciate the Drawing Academy course.
Thank you.
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