Painting by Jennifer Kaiser

Hello my name is Jennifer Kaiser to many people I am also known as “Sosay”. I grew up in Southwest Michigan studied in Rome, Italy with Loyola University of Chicago and graduated from Michigan State University. I also graduated from Loyola University of Chicago, Mundelein College with a degree in Studio Art.
While pursuing Studio Art in Chicago, I started expanding my Performing Arts portfolio, which at this time consisted of dance i.e. ballet, modern, jazz, and choir, acting and modeling. Thinking outside the box, I began pursuing an unconventional art form. I began training at a Professional Wrestling school which ultimately led to an active career in the entertainment business, where I played an important character role in WWE’s developmental territory.
Aside from the ring work, the original fine art mission was heading in the direction of visually depicting an interpretation of the teachings of Theology of the body, through narrative figurative art. I worked hard and diligently developing an individual style during my studies at Loyola. Although I chose to enter my most recent oil painting a scenic atmosphere.
Lately I have been commissioned to produce large murals and would like to win the “How to Draw” Academy course so I can develop and further my skills, efficiently and effectively utilize production time and harass my technique by delivering the best art. Which in my opinion, would be the traditional methods taught by the Old Masters. If you don’t work with and learn from the best, it’s hard to get better.
Wonderful painting! :)