My Drawing Journey

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Artwork and story from Juliette

Hey! I’m Juliette. I’m fifteen years old and I adore drawing! It all began when I was eight years old.

Back then, I used to draw mystical girls with beautiful hair and dresses. When I turned eleven, I decided to learn realistic drawing, and it turned out to be the best decision!

All my studies of drawing were from YouTube videos. I have never done a complete course or had the pleasure of joining a vision of a teacher. Sometimes, was a little challenging to learn this way.

So, I discovered the Drawing Academy, and I completely fell in love with the course. The proposal of anatomy, perspective and, at most, the promise of learning how to draw without photos makes me really want the course.

Getting this course would be very special to me because it could be the first course that I really do. It would help me develop my skills in a way that I never thought of. But for me, the course is quite expensive, and I can’t afford it.

When I am drawing, I imagine the happiness of the people who will see the canvas. I want, like an artist, to share peace, love, emotions, and beauty. The world needs that. So, I feel compelled to use and improve this talent that God gave me.

I would like people to vote for me because art and drawing are my dreams. I have other dreams, but this one is really special.

This dream defines my soul and inspires me every day. It has been a part of my life since I was a kid! Maybe someday I could be a great artist and teach other people.

I am submitting this canvas as the principal drawing for the competition because this is the most special and beautiful drawing
that I ever did.

The person represented on the canvas is my great-grandmother and she is incredibly turning a hundred years old in 2024.

This canvas was my gift to her for a hundredth birthday and was inspired by her marriage photo.

Thank you for considering my work and to watch the video.

Many thanks and warm regards,

I want to win this Competition and I need your help!

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Categorized: Drawing Academy Art Competition

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