Make the Best of Every Medium

By Lucy Chen, Drawing Academy graduate
“Do NOT smudge graphite pencil!”
Now every time I grab my pencil, I hear Vladimir’s voice, “this is an amateurish mistake.”
Some people may disagree, and think that we are the creator or maker of our work, and we can do whatever we want with our material. And I agree.
However, as a skilled artist, it is our responsibility to bring out the best and the unique quality of the different materials we use.
For graphite pencils, it is the crisp marks. For smudging, we have charcoal.
This is just one of the many invaluable lessons I learned from the Drawing Academy course.
Thank you, Vladimir. Thank you, Natalie.
Lucy Chen
Lucy Chen’s website: //
Dear Lucy,
Thank you very much for your artwork.
I really like it and decided to check what proportions you have used to make such beautiful yet laconic compositions.
I understand that your creative process did not involve measuring proportions with a golden mean gauge.
Still, there happens to be quite a number of divine proportions in your drawing.
I am attaching some illustrations of those proportions. You may see how the golden spiral shape goes around the figure and the circle and how the diagonal and rectangular lines coincide with the head, arms, and shoulders.
Once again, thank you for your artwork.
I wish you all creative success you deserve.
Kind regards,
Vladimir London
Drawing Academy tutor
Oh I had no idea that my drawing had the golden ratio proportions in it. Thank you for showing me. I loved how you made the adjustable golden ratio gauge in one of the lessons. I want to make one, but do you know where I can get those clip thing? In a hardware store? Thanks again, Vladimir.
I think you can buy ready-made golden proportion callipers online. Of course it’s much more fun to do one yourself : )