I want to draw anything I can imagine

I want to draw anything I can imagine

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Artwork and story from Leif Sohlman


My name is Leif Sohlman and I live in the city of Enköping (Enkoping, Enkoeping) Sweden.

I would like to learn to draw before it is too late, I am old and shaky in my hands but still like to learn new things.

I like to photograph nature in the surroundings of my home and also try to create digital art.

My challenge is to get the right values and proportions in the compositions.

I want to be able to draw anything I can imagine and natural things.

I think the Drawing Academy is a great course.

I want to win the course to prove that you can learn new things despite you being old and shaky in your hands.

I want to win this Competition and I need your help!

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Categorized: Drawing Academy Art Competition

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