How to Overcome Artist’s Blocks

Questions from Iuliana
“How to overcome mental blocks holding me back from actually getting in the “stream” of drawing… the fear of not being good enough?”
Dear Iuliana,
Sometimes I wonder, is “creative block” an invention of the Western Culture? Does such a thing really exist or is it just superimposed on our minds? I had never heard of “mental blocks” before moving to the UK.
To illustrate my point, I will rephrase the question. Drawing is just a part of our thinking and communication skills. It is like a spoken language only it is expressed in a visual way. It is used to convey our thoughts and ideas. When you have something to express graphically, you can simply pick up a pencil and make a sketch. This is very similar to the action of opening a mouth and saying a sentence. So, my rephrased question is: “How to overcome metal blocks holding me back from actually talking?”
Sometimes you talk, other times you listen, and keep silent when you have nothing to say. That is normal. You do not call it a “mental block” because you are not in the “stream” of coming with long poems and novels every time you open your mouth to say something. A short phrase or couple of sentences is all you want to say most of the time.
When it comes to creating masterpieces – artworks or poems, all you need to do is to start. Start small, while thinking big. Just be there and turn up for the job. If creativity doesn’t come, it is not your fault, you just need to be there for the masterpiece to happen. : )
Starting small will help you to get going. It might be overwhelming to embark on a great masterpiece and have a fear of failing. Instead, plan your masterpiece and do preparatory work. Make sketches of multiple insignificant details that you might use in your future composition. For example, draw a finger if you plan a multi-figurative artwork. It will become useful when you draw a hand of one of the figures in your artwork. Make hundreds of fast and small sketches. It is like saying short phrases, but one at a time. Can you pronounce a few words without a mental block? If such phrase is not good, say it again in a different way and replace a word or two. Say the same thing hundreds of times until you are happy with this small piece. Move to another one. Sketch your future composition. It might take dozens or hundreds of composition sketches until you come up with one you like the most. Draw it on a bit larger scale and see how it looks. If you are unhappy with the results, come back to sketching improved versions.
Eliminate all “buts”. You may think, “yes, it’s all good, but… it takes time, ___” you may fill blanks with any excuses you mind comes up with.
Just turn up for the job and start drawing instead of looking for excuses. Here’s the “45 MINUTE” rule to employ. Start drawing with the intention to keep going for 45 minutes no matter what may interrupt you. The result doesn’t matter. Don’t set big tasks – just be there and the rest will happen auto-magically.
On the another hand, all your drawing efforts will yield better results when you have all of the necessary skills. That’s where we can help.
In the Drawing Academy, we give in-depth video lessons which are full of information and show step-by-step traditional drawing techniques that you will find particularly helpful in improving your drawing skills.
In addition, as a Drawing Academy student, you will also benefit from unlimited personal support by our academy tutors. This support is also provided for a lifetime. You will have a lifetime access to all video lessons and bonuses.
Just think of any other educational institution that gives a lifetime membership and unlimited personal support for a one-time fee. I think you will agree that Drawing Academy is special.
Kind regards,
Vladimir London
Drawing Academy Tutor
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Hi Vladimir, I have to tell you that I am 73 years old but I can still learn new material. I am by no means a finished artist. I love your selection of learning material and was hoping to get drawing and painting instruction. Although I have been doing some portrait and figure drawing for a while I really don’t have the skills to paint a larger painting. I have a good interest in classical painting, a good feeling for drawing and colour but definitely need a lot more experience and practice. Your academy may be over my head but I would like to go ahead. Please tell me what you think, David
Hi David,
Thank you for your comment and question.
It is never too late to learn drawing. If you can hold a pencil, you’re qualified.
I’m sure you will find the Drawing Academy course useful.
As the Drawing Academy student, you have our unlimited personal support, so please let us know when you have any questions, we will be happy to help.
To your creative success,
Hi… I Love drawing and painting so much :) Im a novice painter ;) I Love ur website!