How to find time for drawing

Question from Remy
I am curious about these courses. The video, which mentions that drawing from photos is not the best way to learn, is fascinating. But at the same time, I do not understand how your courses offer a solid training that is not based on drawing from two-dimensional examples?
I have an extremely busy life, yet I am dedicated to learning how to draw. I only have time to draw very late at night, when everyone is sleeping. It is very difficult to access some of the things I actually want to learn how to draw (like people and faces).
Dear Remy,
Many thanks for your questions. I am very glad that you understand the importance of drawing from life and see the difference between copying and drawing.
Many art students ask similar questions, so I created this short video to provide answers:
Finding time for learning
To find time for learning, you do not have to re-schedule your normal life to accommodate this drawing course.
The Drawing Academy course was created for people like you, who do not have time to obtain formal art education or spend countless hours listening to lectures on how to be creative.
In this course, you will find videos that, unlike some “watch me draw” demonstrations, are information-packed lessons. These lessons are essential and will allow you to obtain necessary information about how to draw and how to improve your drawing skills.
These lessons are subdivided into smaller parts which are about ten to twelve minutes long, so you can always find a short break in your schedule to watch a section or two.
As a Drawing Academy student, you will have a lifetime membership. There are no deadlines and you can study at your own pace.
Finding time for practicing drawing
When it comes to finding time to practice your drawing, you can continue your usual life-style. The only thing you must do is supplement your daily habits with a sketchbook and pencil at hand.
Next time you are in an office meeting, or have a two-minute break, just open your sketchbook and make a quick sketch on the topic that you recently learned in the course. You can do it on many other occasions during the day – when waiting for a bus, travelling in a taxi, or waiting for food to be served in a cafe.
Only a few minutes or even seconds are required for each sketch.
The main objective in such short exercises is to put and solve meaningful tasks. For example, you may practice a subject in a two-point perspective by sketching a matchbox on a cafe table, draw how the sternocleidomastoid muscle of the neck connects to the skull and the shoulder girdle, or make a quick constructive drawing of an eye in perspective when you casually glanced at a person in front of you.
Of course, when you have more free time, you may spend a couple of hours practicing the lengthier studies.
If you have any questions, or simply want to share your sketches and drawings, Drawing Academy tutors are happy to help. Just submit your artwork for a critique or send us an email. Our support is unlimited and goes beyond the three-month term.
I hope this clarifies your doubts.
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- Bonuses - Fine Art eBooks and Videos
- Drawing Academy Diploma of Excellence after course completion in 3 months
- Personal coaching by Drawing Academy Tutors
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Thank you for this video, You inspired me a lot from it.