How do I approach Line Drawing

I have a question in regards to a way of drawing that is slightly different from what i see on youtube channels and I was wondering if you could offer some advice.
The style of drawing I am most interested in and want to pursue is Line Drawing. I’m personally not interested in highly rendered drawings, although I can fully appreciate how skillful one must be to achieve that level of draughtsmanship, I am really drawn to Line in general.
My question is how do I approach Line Drawing vs a traditional way of drawing?
I have an understanding of the figure, proportion and constructing forms using primitive shapes but I can’t seem to translate that into the style I want. My main goal is to draw the clothed figure for illustration and contemporary art. I have taken courses on folds and drapery and have an understanding of these concepts but as I say I am struggling to get the desired look that I am after.
I am mostly inspired by 1950s/60s illustrations. Here are some examples of artists I am inspired by.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Dear Tommy,
Thank you for your question. From your story, I can see that you have a very fragmented understanding of drawing and I would guess that your level of drawing skills is close to a complete beginner despite you having some basic knowledge of shapes, proportions and theory of folds. If you are wondering what level of skills you have, you are welcome to check out this video.
Here’s the thing – “line drawing” is not something separate or opposite to “traditional way of drawing”; it is a part of it, like an alphabet is an integral part of some language. The images you provided as examples demonstrate deep knowledge of fundamental drawing skills that artists in the not so distant past used to learn at art colleges. Such an education is derailed in your country and no longer available.
To answer your question “How do I approach Line Drawing”, you would have to cover many topics to become a skilled draftsman. Such topics include how to use and handle drawing tools, how to draw lines and shapes, how to draw in perspective, proportions of a human body, anatomy for artists, rules of composition, constructive drawing principles, and so on. Such an education has to be structured, logical and sequential. Above all, you need a talented art tutor who is not only a professional fine artist, but also a talented art teacher. You need someone who can guide you step by step and point out all your mistakes as you go from simple to more advanced tasks. Without such help, you will be jumping from one topic to another without understanding the fundamental principles of drawing, just like you described – from primitive shapes to draperies and not being able to draw anything realistically from life, memory or imagination.
If you are serious about learning drawing, we can help and guarantee that you will achieve the advanced level of drawing skills should you follow our guidance and complete the Life Drawing Academy Correspondence Course.
Let me know if you have any questions, I will be happy to help.
Kind regards,
Vladimir London
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