First Acrylic Painting

First Acrylic Painting

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Artwork and story from Bindiya Naik

I am Bindiya Naik from Goa (India). The title of my Story is Krishna. I am a Homemaker with one child.

This is my First Acrylic Canvas painting. I do not have any formal education in art. I have good art skills within me. I am very passionate to learn Art. I want to enhance my skills in a right and proper way by joining Drawing Academy.

I have regularly watched Drawing Art Academy live videos on Youtube. And tried to learn new things as much as I can. This Academy has very Fantastic Ways of teaching classical art which I cant get to learn anywhere in the World. I want to Grow as a Master in Art under Drawing Art Academy guidance. With no any knowledge If my First painting can be so beautiful I truly deserve a vote to win this competition and help me Grow as a professional artist.

Thank you
Bindiya Naik

I want to win this Competition and I need your help!

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Categorized: Drawing Academy Art Competition

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