Everyday fundamental practice

Everyday fundamental practice

Artworks by Mary, Drawing Academy student

I am a postgraduate medical student at daytime and a art lover at night.

To gain professional drawing skills, I started my everyday sketching practice since Jan 31 this year from the very very basic geometric forms to more complex ones and now to real life objects.

Artworks by Mary, Drawing Academy student

Categorized: Students Gallery

This Post Has 17 Comments

    • Tianxing SHI says:

      THANK U !!
      Yes, I only tried regular graphite pencil at the moment, a useful tool to begin with ;)
      I am looking forward to exploring charcoal and water-soluble graphite!! but only until I feel I am ready ;)

  1. octavio says:

    Felicidades María, en verdad me asombra tu trabajo. Sigue así, los profesores estarán mas orgullosos de tí. Admiro tu tenacidad, voy a imitarte.

  2. Tianxing SHI says:

    A bunch of thanks for your nice and supportive messages !!
    That absolutely makes me stronger in the world of art ;)

    I will surely stick to it — enjoying the bridge between art and biology and communication between my left and right brain = v =

  3. Jean Botha says:

    Amazing Mary! Keep it up. Who would have thought benign objects could look so interesting;)

    Kind regards

  4. Dale says:


    Your drawings have a angular appearance to them. Most notably the second jar but also in some of the fruit. This is not a distraction because it’s appearance in your drawings are found across your work. It appears this may be part of your personal style.
    The cloth under the first jar appears “flat”, without depth.
    Aside from this, I found the drawings very well done. I like the descriptive hatching you have done to describe the apple. Thank you.


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