Drawings by Ryan Wallace

Ryan Wallace, Drawing Academy graduate
Before I enrolled in the Drawing Academy my drawing skills were pretty basic, I was self taught mostly and only drew on a flat surface using a pen-type grip, with a basic knowledge of perspective, form, shape, light, shadow, line, tone and texture, making drawings in pencil and charcoal.
Now I have a broader knowledge of classical drawing with the subjects as above – using an easel, drawing board, using different grips and drawing from wrist, elbow and shoulder for broad strokes, also I learned how to transfer drawings, make a ground for silver point and how to use silver point, make washes for conte, chalk and colour pencil, how to use pen and ink and learned a great deal about art history.
Hopefully from here in I can keep improving daily with my drawing, I’ve also signed up to the Web Art Academy as I want to improve with painting also and eventually become a self employed fine artist.
I would recommend the Drawing Academy Course to anyone who wanted to learn the classical art training methods as it will improve you as a growing artist.
Best regards,
Ryan Wallace
OMG! I am excited to be part of this community. Ryan you are doing so well.
Thank you Tarini just look forward to improving day by day,
Best wishes
je te felicite pour ton travail je debute dans le cour et je ne regrette pas j apprend beaucoup sur le dessin bravo encore
That portrait of the bearded man? I never would have thought someone could make such a detailed image with what appears to be only two pencils, mainly white. It’s amaz to me! May you have success and you keep doing you