Students Gallery

Students Gallery

As a Drawing Academy student, you can exhibit your artworks in this online gallery.
We want to see your drawings before, during and after the Drawing Academy Course.

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Training the Hand With Metal Point

Training the Hand With Metal Point

Artwork by Gilberto Mello, Drawing Academy student

Dear colleagues,

I started the Drawing Academy program in 2013; since then I have been working at my own pace, but doing diligently, trying to take the best of the lessons and I sometimes reviewing them over just to make sure I am getting the drawing principles and techniques right. I enjoy the program not only for the learning of drawing but also for the numerous interesting techniques presented in it, such as the old masters metal point drawing technique.
I confess that in the beginning I was afraid to try metal tips in drawing, for fear that I would ‘mess things up’ easily and not be able to correct them, but I decided to give it a try just to see how far I could go. For my surprise, I was able to prepare the paper medium fairly well, following the clear instructions given in the course; furthermore, I was able to complete one drawing with very pleasing results. So gratifying was the first experience that I decided to try it once more, producing the portrait that I present along with this narrative…

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The joy of learning to draw

The joy of learning to draw

Drawing by Lis Engel

I always liked drawing and have been drawing intuitively. I followed an American Somatic Drawing course that opened into imaginary drawing, but these classical lessons open a totally different way of drawing. I feel very happy that I discovered it and am looking forward o continue to learning as much as possible – and also to have feedback on my drawings…

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Holiday Cheer

Holiday Cheer

Artwork by Dan S., Drawing Academy student

Here is a little oil painting I did for the holidays with a little fruit, some red wine and some sprigs of holly…

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My boat

My boat

Artwork by Litsa Raftopoulou

Every day I am studying and trying more and more…

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Desiderio di migliorare

Desiderio di migliorare

Artwork by Loreta Ferroni

Sono una signora di 61 anni, da molto tempo disegno e dipingo ad olio e acquerello ma una tecnica vera e propria non la ho, sono un autodidatta e mi rendo conto che ho molte lacune , anzi troppe e desidero migliorare anche se penso che avrei dovuto decidermi molto tempo fa ad iscrivermi a dei corsi come drawing academy, sto studiando anche la lingua Inglese per poter comprendere di più, in passato ho studiato su libri, ma è molto duro capire e d eseguire senza poter vedere dal vivo l’esecuzione della prospettiva lineare e ancor di più aerea e del colore, le proporzioni. Sono molto attratta dai lavori degli antichi maestri, e spesso mi demoralizzo e penso che sono una nullità guardando i loro lavori…

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