Art Competition Archive

Amatuer to pro one day at a time

Amatuer to pro one day at a time

Artwork by Seth Bland

Hello! My name is Seth.

It took me a while to figure out what I really wanted to pursue in life as far as a career choice. I discovered I loved to draw and paint and create characters and stories with my pictures.

While I was in grade school, I did not take my love for these things seriously because I had no idea this could actually be a career so it was more of a hobby. Only a couple years ago did I finally decide I wanted to get into illustration and/ or visual development for games and movies.

Over the last couple years I have taken a few fundamentals drawing and design courses, however not nearly as many as I would like. Aside from that, I have watched a ton of you-tube drawing/painting tutorials and bought gumroad tutorials and a couple dozen anatomy, painting, and how-to-draw books to gain the knowledge I have …

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Drawing by Nicci

I love drawing and I always want to improve. Drawing always makes me feel positive and brighten my mood and my day. If I were to win this competition I would be ecstatic because getting more tips and experience would make me want to create more artwork. Thank you for considering me in this comp! :)

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Ink and bleach

Ink and bleach

Artwork by Adriana M.

I have found in the diversity of materials, techniques to develop an amazing work of art. In this case, I used ink and bleach…

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I’m glad that you are in the world

I’m glad that you are in the world

Artwork by Kirsty Semple

I was never very good at art when I was growing up and this is a fact that I always found painful. Something in me needed to be able to draw. So after I finished education I started to teach myself from books and on the internet.

This piece that I have submitted is a portrait of my great nephew…

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I was dreaming for something like this

I was dreaming for something like this

Artwork by Sabina Popovici Hantu

I began to draw two years ago. It was a big idea because I found myself after a very long and hard way.

I am a self taught trying to learn from internet and a lot of books.

Finding Drawing Academy was a big wow for me. You offer a knowledge I could learn from a master. Learning about perspective, human body, figure, human anatomy, drawing from life, from your professional artists would be a big opportunity for me develop my drawing skills and to use them painting too…

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Artwork by Ammar

Artwork by Ammar

Is the world one big white ball and everyone lives in their own vision of their world? Were the past present and the future ever here? …

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Study after Raphaello

Study after Raphaello

Painting by Edwin IJpeij

This study after Raphael Sanzio is performed accordingly the techniques of the old masters. After finishing the grisaille it is over-painted in semi transparent layers using the original pigments (I am an artist and chemist ;-)). Size: 26×30 cm on marouflage…

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Artwork by Shashikant

Artwork by Shashikant

I am a self-taught artist and have lot of interest in learning more & more about art.

Here is the artwork I have done in watercolor…

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