Drawing by Lam Doan

Live to the fullest!
My name Lam, I’m from Vietnam and currently working as a project engineer in oil and gas industry. I’m a self-taught amateur artist.
For me art is a drive. It drives me whenever the feeling comes. When something captivates me, excites me and that I’m really in love with it, I’m compelled to make a painting of it. Art becomes an outlet for the passion I have over that object. Art is a friend, an interesting friend for me.
I wasn’t classically trained. When I was a kid, I have talent for drawing. But I was born in a poor country side with parents are farmers from very little education. They saw my talent but they could not afford to have art tutor for me to make it my career. I followed the pattern of becoming an engineer but art is still a love I cannot shake off. Sometimes I have great ideas but due to the lack of classical training, I cannot turn those ideas into proper paintings. My hand do not obey my head.
I’m a big fan of Renaissance Art, Leonardo Da Vinci in particular. I want to have classical training like those great masters did.
I think the Drawing Academy is a great place for people like me to learn art. Where we can meet people with the same passion but had life lead them astray. In my country, recently lots of art academies recruiting their pupils, but they just teach them how to copy a general and blend painting, or with very little to zero formal constructive drawing techniques. They can recruit lots of people who have purpose of “having a somewhat painting”. But to me that’s not art and not how we should learn to draw. Drawing Academy is vastly different. It’s all we can expect from an online course. The price is way cheaper comparing to what we can learn.
I think everyone with passion for art deserve a vote. We’re brothers in a common interest, I see myself no superior or different. But I would be very happy if my art is appreciated and if I can get the prize.
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