Drawing by Jean Vizueta

Following the masters
Hello my name is Jean. I’m from Ecuador and I’ve been drawing since I was 7 years old, but I never took art seriously, just as a hobby and not like a way of living until I was in college and fell in love with it when I visited a friend’s gallery, this impacted me and it has become a great part in my life, from doing it for commission or for fun or a competition, to search everything about the history of art.
I want to learn how to draw and paint in a realistic way like the old masters did; Leonardo, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, etc., because they are my biggest inspiration. Sadly there isn’t many art academies in my country that teaches the old masters’ ways and I thought I will get stuck where I was in my goals until I stumbled upon the Drawing Academy course with the hope of learning the craft the right way.
I hope you like this portrait of a friend.
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