Drawing by Adejean Cardoso

In love with Realism
Hello! My name is Adejean, I’m from NiterĂ³i, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil. At the moment I’m BS Pharmacy student but always in love with arts (not only drawing and painting, but also music, cinema and theater).
Art is an essential and very special friend in my life. Since I remember I’m very connected with art since childhood, but just now I decided to take it seriously and start to study everything that I could in classical arts. The old masters works are certainly the main inspiration and objective that I have.
My major challenges are in anatomy and proportion. I already noticed that a minimum mistake in these subjects can destroy all the composition. I use some books of classical anatomy drawing but still get lost in so much information.
I want to learn the classical, academic way of the masters in drawing and painting. The realism itself is no doubt my focus on drawing and painting.
Drawing Academy is the very first website that I found covering all the essential subjects with mastery, organization, provide lots of resources and the instructors are very professional and so good teachers.
I want to win that course because there is no such thing in Brazil and I have no the budget to pay for the full course. Winning would be a chance to advance without limits on my work.
Try to work with the academic, classic way in Brazil is almost impossible. The Ateliers are costing too much but it’s far way from what I expected. So, voting me means a valuable chance to follow my passion in drawing and to retribute the trust on me by spreading the classic way in my neighborhood, town, country, help to reach others and to increase our global community of art lovers.
Thank you so much for the chance! ;)
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