“Dove Totem”

From Jayada
Hello, I’m an Intuitive Artist and I use Art as a channel to connect Superior Dimensions and Cure. For me Art is Medicine :D
I’m an Art Therapist graduated by the Anthroposophic school line and I help people’s Healing and Self-Knowledge processes.
Graduated also as a Graphic Designer and passionated by Sacred Geometry, I use it as tools for Creation of Sacred Symbols, Logos and more.
I always had a very naive drawing style and enjoyed to play with my inner child drawing a lot that way.
Last year I had only 3 private drawing classes and I jumped to a completely new level.
Now I’m practising drawing Totem Animals with Sacred Geometry hidden grids, Old Masters style. I love make experiments, explore and deep new ways of express myself artistically. I’m addicted to studying kind of person :) I want to go deeper in the Drawing Art but living in the countryside now I have no access to teachers. So learning with Drawing Art Academy will be an invaluable gift to help me develop and grow my talents and expand that to all with whom I connect and guide therapeutically. I bought the Art Academy classes last year, mostly because of the few drawing classes that came with it. I wished that time they could create a Drawing Academy and “Plim”! My dream came true! So hope my dream of win this course now came true too ;)
This Dove was my first draw after learning some skills in that 3 private drawing classes I made. I’m making a Totem collection :) If you like it please give me Likes above and visit my pages :) Thank you!
Very beautifull! I like very much your work!:)
Love it.
Love this! I super loved learning more about what you do. I work with Vibrational Alignment and Intention Artist’s and Healers. Sounds like you are tapped into that as well :)
adorei, loved it, inspiring, inspirador!
felisitation !
Uau Alexandra…parabéns!