Do you need good drawing skills to draw with an iPencil?

Question from Ron
Can I take the Drawing Academy course using digital drawing with an iPad and iPencil?
Answers from Vladimir London, Drawing Academy tutor
Hi Ron,
Many thanks for your question.
Consider the following:
- Would you benefit from the knowledge of principles of constructive drawing if you create in digital medium?
- Do you need to know the rules of perspective, golden proportions and rules of composition for drawing with an iPencil?
- Would the theory of tonal values or the way light reflects from the surfaces remain in place if you draw in an iPad?
- Would human body proportions and anatomy still apply in digital art?
It doesn’t matter what medium you use for drawing – graphite pencils, iPencil, or a finger drawing on sand. The traditional principles of proficient drawing will be the same.
We do not base the Drawing Academy course on any specific mediums. In the course, you will learn drawing principles that are universal to whatever art materials you use.
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