After high school, somewhat disheartened about my artistic skills and facing the fact that I had no idea what to do with my life, my regular drawing fizzled into nothing. After a few years I started learning drawing in a focused, systematic way, taking notes, instead of picking up doodling.
Seeing my improvement has been so exciting! I’m studying anatomy on my own and taking a weekly croquis class (the teacher is useless), but I need comprehensive fine art education! At the moment I’m not good enough to get into either of the two good art schools in the country.
Drawing Academy is exactly what I need to reach my goals. I dream of being able to produce something like the Old Masters! I want those skills so badly it’s not even funny.
And I had never even heard of constructive drawing before, and I can’t find any other decent material about it online! It irks me, honestly. How can this seemingly be the only online source for what I understand is a fundamental aspect of drawing?! I had also not heard of silverpoint before.
I have so many art goals and motivation to get there, I’m just lacking the tools. Ten wasted years and a whole lot of anxiety later, it feels GREAT to finally have an understanding about who I am and what I want to do in my life!
Thank you for this opportunity!
Wow! I got so excited when I read your email a couple of minutes ago I had to run around my room a little while! In fact, my hands are somehow shaking a little, which is very atypical for me. Thank you so much! I won’t let this opportunity go to waste :)