Artwork from Peter De Meyer

Rembrandt, in God’s name how?
My name is Peter and I live in Belgium. I have started painting again after that my brushes were locked away in a box for over 20 years. To paint again has opened a forgotten place deep inside myself, the question who am I, is now my daily activity and need. I started painting self portraits and copying the old Flemish masters.
By copying the old masters I have learned a lot, it is like you have the privilege to look through their eyes, to see what they saw, and how they painted it. My favorite became Rembrandt. My challenges and obsession is “how did he do it?” which mediums did he use? searching on the net I came to his “sticky medium” which was linseed oil mixed with chalk. What I want to learn in art is how to paint like the old masters again, to learn the technique, mediums, brushstrokes, underpainting, etc…
I have already viewed a lot of video’s in the Drawing Academy, and find them very educational, I would like to win the Drawing Academy course for this is essential to painting, if the drawing is already in its right proportion then painting it is a matter of color and value.
I hope you will vote for me, to help me improve my passion read obsession, and that i can evolve to make paintings in honor of the Old Masters.
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