Artwork by Victoria S

Artwork by Victoria S

Passionate Art

Hi Everyone!

My name is Victoria S. and I’m 20 years old. I’ve grown up with a passion for drawing and the visual arts. Each and every day that passion blooms and grows more and more.

Art takes on a huge role in my life. I practice every day for as long as I can. It is my primary way of self-expression and being creative.

However, I do face certain challenges when it comes to constructive drawing, perspective, and anatomy that I’d really like to improve and work on. I feel that the Drawing Academy course would be perfect for me and will help me overcome these challenges. Thus, I would love to win the course, as I would benefit from it greatly.

Artwork by Victoria S

So please vote for me, as I would love to continue creating and contributing beautiful art to this world!

Thank you!

Categorized: Art Competition Archive

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