Artwork by Megan Collins

Hello, I’m Megan. I grew up on the coast of Maine, surrounded by artists and living in an artists’ mecca. Occasionally I would do some sketching, designed playbills in high school, and never considered it a serious endeavor; I was too busy with music back then, and frankly, thought that I could never be good enough.
Fast forward to my late 30’s when I moved to Hawaii. Everything was so beautiful here that I couldn’t capture it in words. I pulled out some colored pencils that I had for years and began to draw. I drew one of the parrots we had at the time and gave it to my housemate for Christmas and she said, “And you’re not doing this for a living?” I received an easel for my birthday that year, and I’ve been painting and drawing ever since.
Except for the occasional painting workshop, I am self-taught using books and the internet. My usual technique is to sit down with a book and a stack of paper, and draw my way through the book. That was the only way I could think of to make sure I absorbed what the author was trying to teach. I find it fascinating that many of these books have holes in their teaching method, and I would be scrambling to find other books which could explain how to do what was missing from the one I started with.
Why do I do it? I discovered that I feel a connection to something bigger when I am in the creative flow; it is my connection to Spirit, and to myself. When I participate in the act of creativity it feels like I am channeling something greater, and I am just the instrument. It seems so magical to me that when I am done, and put down the pencil or paint brush that there is this work of art in front of me. Art is something I have cherished all my life, and for the first part of it, never thought I would be able to do.
Drawing Academy looks comprehensive. I want to learn the classical tradition of drawing. Bargue was going to be my next step. I know how important it is to learn to use all the tools in a toolbox. There are always multiple ways to do something, and you have to know what they are before you can begin to pick and choose which tools, or in this case, techniques work best for you. The teachers’ work is exemplary, and that is the quality of work that I want to be doing. Critiques are a huge part of the learning process. I don’t want to be praised, patted on the back, and moved on to the next lesson for the sake of doing so. The caliber of work that comes out of the Drawing Academy leads me to believe that this is a place to learn and grow as an artist, and I love that I can take it at my own pace.
Living on the Big Island of Hawaii is a blessing and a curse. I’m surrounded by beauty and at the same time, severely limited artistic educational opportunities. I can find the occasional painting workshop, and there is no classical training available here. I live an hour and a half from the nearest large town, and there are no museums here. I am interested in doing portraits, and I want to be able to capture the essence of the person that I draw or paint.
I would love an opportunity to participate in The Drawing Academy, and take my work to the next level. I know that I can continue to improve my work, slowly, without any additional help. However, I also know that my skills as an artist would skyrocket if I had professional training. One of my biggest frustrations is knowing that something is wrong, and not being able to figure out what that is. Critiques are invaluable for improvement. My goal is to be the best artist that I can be, and I think the Drawing Academy Course is an important step to getting there.
I’m serious about art. This is how I want to make my living, and I need to be the best that I can be. It has taken me a lot of years to figure this out, and I don’t want to waste any more time. I fund my artistic training and supplies from artwork that I have sold, and the Drawing Academy Course can help me make this happen.
[tweetthis hidden_urls=””]Drawing Academy looks comprehensive[/tweetthis]
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I’m always amazed by the wonderful artwork that your able to create…your awesome!
what amazing work Megan does! I am mesmerized by EVERY painting of hers… how do I vote?
Gorgeous work Megan!! All the luck to you, you are an amazing artist and person!!!
I think you just did!
I would also like to vote for Megan, her artwork is amazing!
Love it!
“I saw your work in Hawaii”. Sorry my keyboard had switched to French.
We have one of Megan’s paintings in our home and simply treasure it. She is very talented and deserves the education that she wants.
Megan your art is fabulous goodly knot that you need luck. With you talent
Megan, is a wonderful talented artist who deserves the education that she wants
Megan Collins posses tremdious talent and is so deserving of the internship, please cast our vote in support of her.
Megan Collins is a very, very talented artist. She does beautiful work.
Her work takes my breath away!
What wonderful work! And what a compelling mission statement. I would very much hope that you will accept my vote for Megan.
Thank you!
It would be wonderful if Megan Collins would win the 3 month art course. She is already an awesome artist in my opinion. Winning this art course could help her become even better and help her continue growing and developing her skills.
I love your artwork Megan. Thanks for sharing what you are up to over the years on FB.
Thank you Marita! Who knew I’d end up an artist???
My comment got lost… I just love this! The eyes are so soulful. Megan, you’re a very talented artist and I’m grateful you share it and your inspiration.
Thank you so much for your kind words.
Megan is a such a talented artist and always encourges others in their artwork
Megan, I get lost in your art work, I am like a time travler, it takes me away like I am actually there.
You are so talented!
My vote is for you!
Megan is a very talented artist. I’ve seen other work that she has done and believe she deserves to win.