Artwork by Maria Egilsson

Sacred Dance
In the fall of 2013 I found myself enrolled in a beginners painting class at our local art gallery. I had vague memories of enjoying art as a young child when we still lived in the northern part of England but had never picked up a paintbrush in all of my adult life. I was 56 years old.
During the class I had not expected to feel the sheer delight nor the peace which came as I painted my very first painting. For the length of the class I felt I was transported to another world as this present one faded away.
I remember feeling such a sense of wonder as I looked at the simple scenery that I was creating. My soul felt like it had tapped into a well so deep that there was no end.
Drawing Academy offers an excellent and comprehensive learning tool through videos, downloadable material and an art community. Drawing Academy emphasizes traditional and classic drawing skills from the comfort of your own home.
The Drawing Academy Course would assist me in improve my knowledge and skills thereby launching me into a new arena of fine art. So I appreciate your "vote".
Two years ago I would never have considered artists “sent ones”, but I do now. I feel a sense of destiny as I see how art has touched something deep within my soul. I also see how God uses the language of art as good news for a hopeless world. And, I want to be a conduit of hope.
Maria really paints like Van Gogh. Love how she sets each little girl in a different type of back ground. I have fallen in love with quite a few of her paintings. The little yellow bird, the little girl in a garden with huge orange flower and now this one shown up above. And many others. Thank you for considering Maria.
Kathy, thank you for your sweet and gracious words. I would love to win this competition that’s for sure.
Maria, you inspire me.
Larry, wow. Thank YOU for that! Blessings
Maria is awesome! Great drawings and inspiration to many.
Maria is awesome! Great drawings and inspiration to many.
Keep it up sister.
Thanks Chris for taking time to comment. Blessings
Maria paints in a way that speaks to my soul. There is feeling and heart in her work. Her skill verses the short time she has been at it is impressive to me. I can not say that I have a favorite piece of her work, I love it all but I am drawn to her work of little girls, it reminds me of the past, time spent with my mother.
Oh, Marilyn. Thank you so much for your gracious words. Touches my heart.
Great artist ?
Wow. Thank you Shelley for your confidence in my work. Blessings to you and yours.
It’s seldom to find artist that have the ability to touch the human soul and awaken the spirit. Maria’s paintings not only touch the soul but they touch the deepest parts of the human heart. Her paintings are time capsule’s…they take you away to a special time and place that is hidden from this generation. You can feel, experience, and see that Maria’s paintings are rare unique treasures. Her artwork, these precious treasures should be shared and displayed for all to see.
Freda, my heart is stilled as I read your words. This has to be Him and only Him that allows the viewer to see and to feel such depth. Thank you for these words and I in turn will thank Him as I honor and hone the gift that He has given.
I am simply amazed by Maria’s art!
Oh my, thank you so much Michelle
I love Maria’s whimsy paintings. They have that 1930’s feel of Sister Maria Innocentia Hummel’s, figurines.
Sharon, thank you for you sweet comment on my painting
I love this…it is one of my favorites. Your words paint as beautifully as your painings!
What a sweet thing to say, thank you so much for stopping by to comment.
Maria loves to paint. It reflects her beautiful spirit and soul. Painting and writing go hand in hand for her and she is always thirsty for more.
Joanna, how true that painting and writing go hand in hand for me. Thank you for your gracious words.
Maria’s work has been uplifting for me. I have a few of her artworks, and look forward to following her for quite a long time to come.
Mary, what a blessing to read your words this morning. Thank you so much.
Maria – your work is just masterful! So lovely, pure and calming and your oft-accompanying verses delight the senses and give complete refreshment to our souls!
Lynne, how beautiful are your comments and I thank you for them. Blessings.
Maria’s ability to convey emotion, natural surroundings, shapes, forms, both in color and texture, moves the viewer of her paintings into places only explained by the spiritual aspect of our humanity. Her art form although similar to other well known and famous artist’s is uniquely her own where the imagination crosses over into that spiritual realm. The added gift of poetic expressions that she writes, also increases the impact when she combines the two. I dare to say this is her signature of authenticity that will leave her fingerprint on so many lives in such endearing measure, as it has done mine. If I had a mansion, her paintings would adorn each room, as they already have place in my heart, mind, and spirit. Thank you Maria for sharing yourself with so many others.
Dara, I am speechless at what you have written and I thank God for them because, for me, there has to be that touch from Him in what I write or paint in order for it to have purpose and meaning in this world and in my heart.
Blessings and thank you for your gracious and humbling response.
Marias art is so inspiring to me. I am amazed at how far she has came in such a small space of time since she decided to paint. I do hope she wins this chance to learn even more how to enhance her work as she deserves to, because of her dedication and discipline concerning her art. I am an artist and I adore her work. She has often touched my heart with her paintings because she has the ability to convey emotion. I sense a freedom in her work that flows unto the canvas or page. I think it is a great gift that would benefit from such a course. She enjoys her painting and I know it brings joy to a lot of people that she shares it with. How exciting to think she could have even more to offer all of us through learning through this course.
Thanking you Elaine for your heart-touching comments. You so understand how much I want to learn and grow in this wonderful journey called “art”. Blessings back to you my fellow artist, Maria