Artwork by Kathleen James

Artwork by Kathleen James

Wanting to Draw Portraits!

My name is Kathleen James and when I’m not taking care of all the beautiful people in my life as a wife, mom and nana, I love to draw and paint.

When I was a child, I lived to draw. I was a night owl and though I had to have my light off at bedtime, I would open my curtains and draw by the moonlight just about every night. It was when I was my most creative. That love of drawing carried on until I took an art class as a teen and felt my teacher disliked every thing I created. Unbeknownst to me, she advised my mom to send me to art school.

I was never told that and so buried my desire to draw under my assumption that I wasn’t good enough. Years later as a new mom, I rekindled my love of creating art and took a painting class. It was like a joyful reunion with a long lost friend. Since then, I draw and paint whenever I can.

I recently have had a strong desire to learn to draw portraits. I’ve always had a challenge drawing portraits in proper proportion and rendering a good likeness. So I decided to seek out good instruction in order to practice and accomplish that skill. I always find myself on the Drawing Academy website wishing I could afford to take their Drawing Course. I feel they offer the best and most complete drawing instruction out there and would be thrilled to win a full membership to the Drawing Academy. I know it would complete me as an artist.

Artwork by Kathleen James

I drew this picture of the little boy with glasses years ago and it sits in my room whispering to me to keep drawing and to do everything I can to reach my goal to be a portrait artist. With everyone’s vote this can actually happen!

Categorized: Art Competition Archive

This Post Has 21 Comments

  1. Bobbi D Jensen says:

    Kathy is a very talented lady and deserves to have FREE Drawing Lessons to reach her potential.

  2. Robyn says:

    What a wonderful entry! Art composition is an expression of inner beauty and thought on the outside without words. Kathleen shows amazing talent already, and giving her the chance to increase her abilities will improve the world just that much more :).

  3. KimW says:

    I love the message and feeling you captured in this portrait. I love your story and how you rekindled your passion for art despite the perceived rejection. I hope you win this membership to further your talents, Kathleen! You deserve this opportunity!

  4. Wheeler says:

    I’m really excited to learn about Drawing Academy! My daughter loves to draw and paint. And I plan on homeschooling her next year so she can have time to develop her talent. This may be just the resource we need. Thanks! And good luck! You deserve this opportunity.

  5. janie says:

    Please help her realize her full potential and hidden talents. Please award her the scholarship and let her be an example to others that it’s never too late ;and to never give up on your dreams!

  6. suzanne hamilton says:

    Has always been artistic…beautiful portrait! No one deserves free drawing lessons more than Kathy.

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