Artwork by John Slater

Artwork by John Slater

I need your help

Greetings to all. I have been painting and drawing for about 40 years on and off. Many years ago I was an aspiring artist and realized early on after showing my pictures in libraries and anywhere I could that I was going to be a hungry boy so I went into the factories and learned the manufacturing trade that paid much better than art. In art it would cost me 500 dollars or so to frame and set up the pictures I had painted so that they would be presentable and then maybe sell 1 or 2 pictures for 100 to 200 dollars well I’m sure you can do the math and realize I was loosing money at every exhibit I did. So we worked in the factories and painted evenings and weekends and filled my closets and cellar with pictures painting about 1 a year just for fun. I believe that drawing is the most important concept in art as you draw with a pencil, a pastel, or a paint brush. well when I hit a ripe old age not old enough to retire but I acquired a disease that made me disabled so I have no way of showing my work except for the internet and I’m a bit afraid to show my work that way. I am poor due to not being able to work but a pencil and sketch book are not expensive and I had a set of pastels from years ago. So this is how I keep myself sane by drawing and painting. I have been following the drawing academy for some time now and see it to be a very beneficial way to learn to draw that as I said drawing is the foundation of all art and I have had no base to work from which is why I want to win to get the foundation I need to become an accompolished artist. Why should people vote for me I have no idea other than I would appreciate the opportunity to become an artist and need the foundation for the paintings and drawings I so love to do.

Categorized: Art Competition Archive

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