Artwork by Arentino Lucero

New Found Passion
My name is Arentino Lucero and I am 19. I only recently took an interest in art and have found that is is my true passion. I started with drawing portraits and have made decent progress on my own but as I can only draw from photographs, I have met some obstacles. I have trouble drawing from life, accurately drawing figures and am unable to give a sense of life to my artwork. I am very eager to learn how to truly draw, from imagination instead of copying from pictures.
I discovered Drawing Academy on Youtube and was ecstatic to realize that they had the knowledge and resources that I desperately needed, to learn to become a better, more capable artist. I have never been able to afford real art classes and I think the Drawing Academy course is the perfect solution to help me overcome my art difficulties.
Art is my outlet and not only does it help me in my life but I know it helps others in their life as well, so my wish is to share my artwork with the world in hopes of inspiring and healing.
I’m grateful for any votes, that can aid me in making my wish a reality.
Thank You!
I want to buy it. Whatever it costs.