Artwork by Aarti Sharma

From My Mind to the Canvas
I am a self-taught artist and am currently pursuing a painting course from an online art academy. The academy is covering every aspect related to paints and techniques of painting, except drawing. Presently am dependent on reference images for drawing and I wish to change it.
Art holds an immense place in my life. I need to draw something every day or I feel I have wasted my day. Art makes me happy. Earlier while working as a Kindergarten teacher, I used to draw simple line drawings, every day in students notebook, For every alphabet, and for every number, I drew something. It made me happy and my students too. And that’s when I realized my love for art.
But unfortunately, I can not draw without reference images.I want to bring the images and ideas floating in my mind onto the paper but having no formal training in drawing, it seems like a herculean task. I can draw well but not without a reference image.
I came across a video on YouTube about the Drawing Academy and visited the site. I plan to join the Drawing Academy course in the near future. On going through some of the videos that are available on YouTube, I made the decision that this is the academy I will join to learn to draw. I found the methodology and contents well organised. The courses listed here answer the fundamentals of drawing, which are not taught anywhere. I have been searching online for a long time to find answers to my questions pertaining to basics of drawing. Most of the sites that I have visited, fail to answer the basic question.
The artwork submitted is drawn from a reference image and is a part of an online monthly challenge of a reference image website. We lost a photographer member to cancer, and as a tribute to her, we all have drawn or painted from her photographs. It’s my tribute to her, as she was a great horse lover. And this happens to be my first horse sketch.
I wish to draw freehand and from memory. I wish to create a story on my canvas.
Excellent painting
Thank you, Karan, for kind words and appreciating my effort.
Thank you, Michelle Horgan, for encouraging words and appreciation.
Awesome work
Thank you, Dipika Sanmotra, for appreciating my efforts.
It’s amazing art
Thank you, Sumeet, for encouraging words.
Awesome sketch.promising artist