Artwork by Aaron J Little

Obessesive about Classical techniques but College Let me down
I have held a long seated passion to become an artist, however I was dissuaded from doing so and focussed on a career, so my artistic ambition remained dormant for many years. That was until 2014 when time spent in the public library due to unemployment and I came across a book by Geof Colvin entitled “Talent is overrated”. The book lays out the theory that with average intelligence, passion for the subject and intense dedication any subject can be mastered.
That was all that was needed for me to re-ignite my artistic desire and enrol in a “Fine Art Course” at a local college. A week later I regretted that decision. The course provided no technical instruction or demonstration, and the tutors were disinterested in teaching the subject. In fact the only reference to “Fine Art” was in the course title. (I am sure that I am not alone in experiencing such a let down).
The difficulty I face is finding the tradition art instructions that I need to get to where I want to be and thus far only the Drawing Academy is providing that intense dedication to the skill that I need.
The internet though has been great and I am forever great full to the generosity of artists who upload demonstrations onto the internet, this has improved my practice.
Although receiving instructions directly from The Drawing Academy would be the most beneficial it clearly is given in an ordered scholarly fashion.
I can envision myself as the instructions are ordered in a lesson given This has been fantastic to my progress as I have already learnt so much. If I am successful in gaining the course I will give back this privilege by making regular video updates demonstrating the progress I have made for others to observe and hopefully benefit from so in effect a vote for me will enable others to progress.
Good Luck Aaron. You deserve to win. Your work I so good.