Artwork and story by Annemieke Redeman

In search of a creative outlet
I’ve been searching for a creative outlet all my live. I tried singing, playing a musical instrument, even painting. I didn’t have any talent. So I gave up trying until I saw someone drawing in colored pencil two years ago. I’ve been hooked ever since.
I found out that indeed everybody can learn to draw, just like Vladimir says. I don’t have any art education, and since I work fulltime to pay the bills I can’t go to art school.
I love the way Drawing Academy allows people like me to get a good solid foundation in art online. The only opportunity I have for drawing is at night, and I spend as much of my nights as I can behind the drawing board.
From what I’ve seen from Drawing Academy, the lessons grab back to the foundation of drawing, the layer below the finished artwork, to the way the old masters learned to draw. I love that! I can try to draw a portrait, but all I draw is the surface, I have no idea what lies beneath that, what bone-structure forms the face to look as it does. As a result, my portraits look ‘flat’.
At 45 years old the Drawing Academy is as close to formal art school as I can ever hope to get! Winning this competition would mean I get the chance to lift my artwork to the next level.
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