Art- a visual representation of self and unconscious being

Artwork by Cami Lintz
Hello! My name is Cami Lintz and I am a 17 year old self-taught artist. Born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska, I never had too many opportunities other than in school to fully immerse myself within an art lesson. I was more or less left to venture into the wonderful world of the internet and learn through trial and experience on how to draw.
If you open my google page right at this moment, you will find unending searches on ‘How to draw realistically’ and countless YouTube tutorials already viewed over at least 10 times. I feel like as an artist, I’ve learned all I can through conventional art courses. And being where I live, there are few opportunities in my area to take many art classes suited to my skill and age group.
I have joined many art communities over the years including DeviantArt and Etsy, and because of this I’ve maintained friendships over years and years with people from all over the world that share my love of art. I was introduced to many online art courses before, whether it being direct tutorials, or vague tips. But the Drawing Academy seems the most well rounded and diverse in all of its teachings and skills.
Other than drawing, I am a full time student and Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps Cadet. I take my position in representing my country very seriously by placing in as many Drill Competitions and Drill Teams as I can. Most of my outside school activities deal with work through ROTC being volunteering for my community, or for my school.
This will be my fourth year joining in ROTC with over 300 community service hours logged and over 5 trophies I’ve helped earn for my unarmed regulation, exhibition, and armed regulation and exhibition teams.
As also my brother and sister have done, I consider joining the service and serving my country alongside them. From an early age I was surrounded my service men and woman whom I’ve lost and found over the years and been influenced by greatly. My values have been tested as well as my morals as I’ve held countless staff jobs in ROTC and having dealt with being a Platoon or Flight commander 3 years running.
Through these three years the hardest thing to this day I’ve had to go through in supporting many different kinda of people and helping them through hard spots in their life. Some of which, I have lost to depression and suicide.
My trials and tribulations can only be defined loosely as bitter sweet as I’ve watched people fall into this silent killer, as well as help them rise above their inner demons and learn to love the life their given.
It was not only my friends that have had to deal with depression as well, I have helped myself rise above bad places and accept what place I am in now. For if I cannot be happy in my own skin, how am I expected to make others happy?
There is a point to this, I promise.
Art was one of my soul outlets. It took such immense concentration to draw something I was proud of, so it quickly became one of my favorite coping mechanisms. Through all my years of school you could clearly see doodles on the edges of my homework, or clearly on the face of a napkin as a diner. It had been something that I’ve expressed myself through when I couldn’t find the right words. I’m not saying drawing is my savior, I am saying that it reflects the person I am what I’ve been through. And that is why I love art, because each person will draw the sunset in a different manner; use different shades of yellow, but all will create a sunset of their own imagining because we are all connected by the visual beauty of the world around us and the things we experience and perceive as beauty.
When I first found the Drawing Academy YouTube channel, it had explained in every miraculous detail on what I was trying to achieve. It introduced me to new ideas and excited me as a child gets when he or she receives a new toy. I think it is a wonderful course every artist at any point of skill should take to achieve the basic understanding or art, art history, and the development of artistic and visual skill.
I wish to win the Drawing Academy Course to push myself and what I believe I am capable of. I hope, by winning this course, I can demonstrate and reflect all my ideas and senses into the visual skill of art. I believe art is about sharing beauty with the world as well as imagining and creating it in all its’ glory.
I think people should vote for me because I do not have the means to obtain this course by myself. Due to the restricted lifestyle I lead through ROTC, school, and family life, it is difficult for me to take and fully immerse myself in an art course. And surely with this online, in depth Academy, and can better my abilities and share my work with the world.
Thank you for reading my story! Have a wonderful day and many of those ahead!
Your art is amazing, along with your dedication and passion. I hope you win.