Still Life by Mora

Still Life by Mora

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Artwork and story from Mora

Hi! I am a student, and I’m really passionate about art. I want to make a living from it someday—it would be nice. I’m from Colombia, which is far from major art schools, so I have to find my own methods for self-teaching.

Right now, I’m struggling a bit with my education. It’s quite challenging to find the right and affordable resources —considering my budget.

I’m seeking to improve my skills because I don’t think my drawings are the best yet, and that’s exactly why I’m entering this contest.

Winning the Drawing Academy course would give those juice, affordable resources that I’m looking for. I have been watching some videos on YouTube and exploring on the official page, it’s amazing. I would be incredibly grateful if you vote for me — please! and thanks!

I want to win this Competition and I need your help!

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Categorized: Art Competition Archive

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