Artwork by Linda Davis
Where is the Little Boy?
I am an older woman who wants to get back to painting! I am retired, have three grown children, no grandchildren. I’ve always loved to draw and paint, and prefer watercolors. Not painting for a long time has left a big hole in my life, and I am eager to get back to it. I know I am very rusty and need instruction. Isn’t there always something new to learn about art? Drawing Academy looks like an excellent organization. Years back, I received art instruction and critiquing by mail, and it was great! I learned so much, and enjoyed receiving the instructor’s comments on my work. Today I was searching online for something similar, and came across Drawing Academy.
I would love to win the Drawing Academy course to help me begin drawing and painting again. The painting I am submitting is one of my favorites, a watercolor of an old man looking out over the water. His 4-year-old grandson didn’t want his photo taken, so he is hiding behind the rock!
I hope people will vote for me, as I need inspiration!
Thank you!
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