Do dreams come true?

Do dreams come true?

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Artwork and story from Priya

Hello, I’m Priya.

My art journey is all about capturing the beauty that’s around me. I am literally obsessed with telling stories through my drawing and painting. I see all the crazy beautiful stuff in nature and I just want to share it with everyone.

When I am creating, I feel like I’m exactly where I meant to be. It’s like my own little world, where nothing else matters except for the paper and the pencil in my hand. I want to share that feeling with other, capturing a moment in time and preserving the beauty of the world around me.

Drawing Academy course would be a dream come true! This online course and art community is the ultimate opportunity to take my drawings skills to next level, learning form professional fine art teachers, it will help me overcome the challenge of learning to draw on my own, improving my technique and expanding my creativity.

Thank you for considering my submission and providing this opportunity to share my point of view.

Dear readers, I am asking for your support ~please vote for me to join this course! your vote will bring me one step closer to realising my artistic dreams. Thank you.

I want to win this Competition and I need your help!

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Categorized: Drawing Academy Art Competition

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