Pet Portraits

Pet Portraits

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Artwork and story from Rummy Tandon


My name is Rummy Tandon and I am an 80 yr old female/mother/grandmother/retired housewife! Painting has always been my hobby, passion from childhood and now a form of meditation! Past few years I have been doing Pet Portraits for our local Children’s Hospital for kids going through cancer treatment, they miss their pets so I paint for them free of charge, if it makes them happy that is my reward.

Since last summer I also volunteer to teach art at our senior center, it is such a rewarding experience and my students range in age from 50s- 94yrs old.

I would like to enter the competition with one of my Pet Portraits, but I do all kinds of art whatever I feel at the moment I put on my canvas, it’s always a challenge!!

Rummy Tandon

I want to win this Competition and I need your help!

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